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I am a new user of your forum

Verfasst: Sa, 15. Jan 2022 15:39
von rdonnay
Tom Liehr recommended a link to this forum about getting remote ADS info from a server using ADS stored procedures.
That was a good suggestion.

Here is a utility named AdsMgt.Exe.

Copy the attached files to your \exp20\samples\adssql folder.

AdsMgt.Ini contains the connection info to your ADS server.

There are 3 Browse screens:
1. Users: Contains a list of all open connections to the server.
2. User Tables: A One-2-Many browse of Tables opened by the selected user.
3. user Locks: A One-2-Many browse of Record Locks on the selected table.

The Kill User button will disconnect the selected user. It will prompt first.

NOTE: This very simple management tool is possible due to the sp_mg* stored procedures in ADS that are called by the eXpress++ SQL command.

Code: Alles auswählen

STATIC FUNCTION LoadConnectedUsers( oBrowse, aObjects )

LOCAL cSql, cAlias := 'USERS'


  EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_mgGetConnectedUsers()
) anyalias

SQL cSql INTO OBJECTS aObjects INTO CURSOR cAlias VIA (Ads_SessionDict())

IF Valtype(oBrowse) == 'O'


adsmgt.jpg (217.35 KiB) 3664 mal betrachtet

Re: I am a new user of your forum

Verfasst: So, 16. Jan 2022 9:59
von Tom
Cool to have you here. 8)

Re: I am a new user of your forum

Verfasst: Mo, 17. Jan 2022 22:45
von rdonnay
I confirmed that Bob Volz's failure of AdsMgt.exe was because he had an older version of ADSDBE.DLL.

I am not sure which version fixed this problem, but I confirmed that ADSDBE.DLLs dated 2019 or earlier will fail.

I copied the most current ADSDBE.DLL to the SqlQuery folder and everything worked ok.

The problem was that the stored procedure Sp_mgGetConnectedUsers() was returning a cursor, but there were no fields recognized by ADSDBE.
dbStruct() would return an empty array.